My latest post is up on the Covenant Eyes blog: #MeToo and the Deep Cultural Concerns it Highlights.
Waking Up to Women’s Oppression Via the #metoo Movement
Posts like this are hard to write. Hard because they are humbling. I started reading through the #metoo posts on Twitter, at the request of some women in my church. It’s hard to organize my thoughts so I’m just going to put them out there: I was wrong. I do a lot of work around […]
I would like my friends who smoke marijuana to read this
I live in a poor neighborhood. A lot of people smoke marijuana in my neighborhood. By “a lot” I mean I can smell it pretty much whenever I’m out for a walk, and I often see it being smoked openly at the park where I play basketball. Smoked, rolled, dealt, etc. Everyone I know who […]
So the pastor asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”
The Bible is a thick book. Always has been. In the first century, an expert in the Old Testament Scriptures asked Jesus to summarize all of the commands in the Bible into the greatest commandment, to slim down that thick book into something easy to remember. Jesus tells him the greatest commandment is to love […]
A Lament for a Church that Preaches Jesus
A lament My heart is heavy from a Bible that says defend the oppressed and a Church that says just preach Jesus. Just preach Jesus, but don’t preach anything he stood for or taught. I will leave your church if you do. Don’t preach about touching lepers or loving the poor or proclaiming liberty to […]
Gently Addressing 4 Misconceptions About Immigration & Refugees
I didn’t grow up around immigrants or refugees. When undocumented immigrants started coming across my news radar a few years ago, I was confused. I figured a person could just go to the Secretary of State’s office and apply for citizenship and be on their way, so why weren’t these immigrants doing just that? I […]