The Hyde Amendment states that federal tax dollars cannot be used to perform abortions. You can read the specifics of the amendment here. Planned Parenthood does a ballpark of 300,000 – 350,000 abortions per year and around 45% of their revenue–$540.6 million–is provided by federal tax dollars. This is a classic “6 one way, half-a-dozen […]
Protesting Planned Parenthood: Abortions, Selling Baby Parts for Profit While Getting My Tax Dollars
I attended one of 300 nationwide protests of Planned Parenthood this morning, along with 175 other people in Lansing, MI. I’ve never attended a protest before, but after seeing this invitation and explanation from Pastor John Piper and doing some homework on what Planned Parenthood has been up to, I decided to attend this one. […]
Podcast Interview with “Lansing’s Happiest Homeless Person” Chris Pruett
Episode #8 of “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast is here! I interviewed Chris Pruett, the self-titled “Happiest Homeless Person in Lansing.” Chris attends my church and does a great job of shedding the light of love and humanity onto homelessness. Learn about homelessness from the eyes of a homeless person. Chris is intelligent, creative and […]
Why Don’t More Evangelicals Do Justice Ministry?
I’m pretty sure I’m an evangelical. I think what this means is that we believe Jesus and his grace are the only way to heaven, that we want others to know Jesus and that the entire Bible is inerrant and authoritatively from God. If this is what it means, then I am definitely an evangelical. […]
Justice Conference Presenter Racially Profiled, Arrest Threatened at Chicago Hotel
I attended The Justice Conference in Chicago this past weekend–two days packed with biblical teaching on helping the poor, racial justice, human trafficking, and much more. You can get a good snapshot of the conference by perusing #Justice15 on Twitter. With the gravity of the topics discussed, I found my mind brimming with subjects I […]
Being “Gutsy” for God or Simply Wrong and Offensive
Within the past year I’ve told God I’ll say anything he wants me to say, no matter how scary or counter-cultural, as long as I know it’s from him. If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know I write about a lot of (what some might call) “gutsy” things for a pastor such […]