A lament My heart is heavy from a Bible that says defend the oppressed and a Church that says just preach Jesus. Just preach Jesus, but don’t preach anything he stood for or taught. I will leave your church if you do. Don’t preach about touching lepers or loving the poor or proclaiming liberty to […]
Gently Addressing 4 Misconceptions About Immigration & Refugees
I didn’t grow up around immigrants or refugees. When undocumented immigrants started coming across my news radar a few years ago, I was confused. I figured a person could just go to the Secretary of State’s office and apply for citizenship and be on their way, so why weren’t these immigrants doing just that? I […]
Apology: Trying to figure out how to be zealous without being prideful
This past Sunday night in our small group, we came upon the following verse from 2 Timothy 2:25: Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth It hit me pretty clearly that I have not been doing this in the past […]