The main content of this episode is some personal reflection on the idea that “There’s Always More” when it comes to our temptations, but then how there’s also always more of God’s love for us.
Mind, Body, Heart, Soul Prayer
Lay down on your back and close your eyes. God, I give you everything that is on my mind. I give you everything I’m trying to solve. I give you all of my problems. I give you all of the world’s problems that are on my shoulders. I give you all the injustices. I give you the people who are against me. The problems I can’t solve. The people I’m waiting for. The stress and the strain. They are yours now. I take them off my shoulders and out of my mind and put them in your hands. I close your fingers around them. I now rest my mind in your presence. I rest in being with you. I rest in being your son/daughter. I rest in being a human being not a human doing.
Ep. 47: Interview with Kevin Butcher on Finding Freedom from “Try Harder” Christianity
Noah interviews his friend and mentor Kevin Butcher about his new book Free (available April 6th).
Ep. 46: Interview with Todd Wilson on the Enneagram and Healthy Leadership
Noah interviews Todd A. Wilson on his new book The Enneagram Goes to Church, which releases on March 16th with InterVarsity Press.
Ep. 44: Satisfying our unending appetite of insecurity with the unending love of our Father
Noah opens up about his own insecurities and brings the Flip Side back around to how to tap into the love of our Father to satisfy our deepest longings.
Ep. 38: Jesus’ Love for the Outcast & how this Grace Transforms Each of Us
Episode 38 takes us to a recent sermon Noah did on Luke 7:36-50, where a “sinful woman” anoints Jesus’ feet with her hair and tears. This interruption of an elite dinner party led a Pharisee, Jesus, and this woman to have to each make a crucial choice. Their choices are choices that each of us face as well.