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Hey there! I had the pleasure of reading “Beyond the Battle” after reading several other books on sexual purity and marriage. I had struggled with pornography and a general misunderstanding of how I viewed my wife (and women in general) since high school. While other books and programs taught me how to recognize the issues I had, I was consistently battling it out day after day. Reading this got to the heart of the matter, and incorporated real gospel principles on how God shows me (us) how to love my wife. It enabled me to dig out the selfishness that is the root of this sin (and pretty much all sin!) I cannot claim that am 100% healed (I need prayer every day), but I can say that I don’t have to “white knuckle” myself through every day. My prayer is that I can continue to learn to sacrifice for my wife and my family….not from obligation, but out of the joy and freedom that I have in Jesus and what he has done for me.
– Alex
Alex, thank you for posting this! I’ll definitely be praying for you. I have my moments when I still have to “white knuckle” it too, though like I mention in the book, I’ve found that the new depths I can find in my devotional time with Jesus make a big difference in lessening those times and when they do come, I now feel like I have the right tools to navigate me through the fog somewhat quickly. It’s hard to explain, but in the last two years, I’ve discovered how to take my devotional time from simply a Bible and prayer request time to a time of really soaking in Jesus’s love for me. Like reminding myself of all of his promises for me, it hits me really deep. I’ll be praying for you, your marriage, and your time with the Lord!