God didn’t randomly create sex and then add a bunch of rules
to make it as difficult as possible for us to enjoy. He created it
with great intentionality. And the part of that intentionality we so
often overlook is that sex is about much more than what happens
between the sheets. God-honoring sex produces strong, incredible
families, which produce incredible societies and incredible legacies.
God-honoring sex upholds all humans with dignity and love,
rather than relegating humans to be objects that are consumed
and discarded. God-honoring sex shapes our hearts to love the
way Christ loves us. God-honoring sex teaches us what real love
is. God-honoring sex models to our children how they are to view
people. God-honoring sex produces lives of substance, character,
and integrity. God-honoring sex produces better people and a better
world, period! It produces a life free from the emptiness and destruction
of betrayal, as Proverbs 5 speaks so passionately against.
This is an excerpt from Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to his Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World by Noah Filipiak (page 119)
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