How to Live a Purposeful, Not-Boring Life:
- Don’t spend all your money on yourself, your kids and your grandkids. If you tithe / give to your church, don’t act like the rest of your 90% is meant for you to hoard. Like it’s all yours because you earned it. (Where did this mindset ever come from?)
- Make sure your life is about Jesus’s Kingdom, not your kingdom. This is a total reorientation.
- Don’t make your lifestyle choices based on how you and your family can be safest at all time, as if our goal was to quarantine ourselves off from broken people.
- Care about the oppressed. Care about injustice. Don’t ignore the Bible’s repeated commands here. Do something about it, as much as the talents God has given you allow.
- Don’t choose your church based on how it best serves you and your kids. Choose a church based on how you can best serve within Jesus’s Kingdom.
You don’t have to do any of this stuff. At the end of the day, you can build your kingdom on this earth and still go to heaven, but you will be bored stiff. A lot of Americans are bored stiff. Who wants that?
Most people, from kids to adults, turn to the “pleasures of this world” because they are simply bored. Christians are taught what not to do, but not what to do. Someone can only tolerate that for so long. When a Christian youth is taught to “be good” and “don’t do bad stuff” and that their goal in life is to get a good job and buy a lot of toys, it’s no wonder they look to sideshows to find meaning.
Meanwhile, the unloved continue to be unloved and those with the resources sit around bored.
And Jesus wonders why we pray Matthew 6:10 but do so little about it.
God gave you a 6-cylinder engine for his Kingdom, don’t just use one or two of them. If you do, you’ll be bored stiff. And who wants that?
Take the plunge! Get all 6 cylinders fired up and see what adventures God takes you on and what changed lives you get to witness! (Yours being front and center of course!)
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