Simply saying that being transgender or transitioning genders is wrong is a 2 cent answer to a million (billion) dollar question.
Like many issues, a person who has no personal experience with the struggle should not go around making cavalier, black and white statements about those who do. This doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t apply, but it’s hypocritical and judgmental to conclude that your experience with a specific struggle is the same as someone else’s and thus, their response to it should come as simply and easily as yours does.
It is incorrect and unhelpful to assume that a transgender person has chosen to feel the way they do about their gender identity or that they can simply choose to identify in line with their biological body parts.
I was recently talking to a Christian parent whose child transitioned genders. Their child was developing bad body odor and they couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t take showers. Their child explained to them that they were so disturbed with seeing their own genitalia, feeling so much that it didn’t belong there, that they would rather smell bad than have to see this and be reminded of it.
If you are a man, imagine you step in the shower tomorrow morning and see you have breasts and a vagina.
If you are a woman, imagine stepping in the shower tomorrow morning and seeing you have a penis.
(And then being mocked, bullied and shamed for it)
That’s a small taste of how it feels to be transgender.
To think someone is choosing these feelings is not only erroneous, it’s almost hateful. I don’t mean because you think this you are intentionally hating someone who is transgender, but how else are they to interpret it when their struggle is this real and you simply dismiss it by saying it’s their fault?
Things worsen in the Church when we act as if a transgender person just prays harder or has more faith, that they’ll be able to choose to be straight and choose to identify with the gender they have the genitalia for. This only makes transgender people feel like God must hate them (causing them to hate themselves even more).
The Battle Creek Enquirer recently ran an article about 15-year-old Elijah Cross and how it feels to be a transgender student in Battle Creek. Elijah underscores the experience many LGBT students face: bullying, depression and suicidal thoughts.
One point that really stands out from this article is how hurtful it is to a transgender person if you call them by their birth name rather than the name they have chosen that corresponds with the gender they identify with (And the same point regarding the pronoun you use). This is something a cisgender person simply cannot relate to and is probably one of the biggest points of confusion for us, probably much more so for Christians. Since we see homosexual behavior as sinful, it does not seem right to identify a person with their sin. We might equate calling a girl born as Susie, “Bill” the same as calling someone “Thief” or “Liar” as their name. We need to get past this, or the door will only be sealed tighter for transgender people to find Jesus. Here’s what I mean:
You think that by calling Susie/Bill “Susie,” you are modeling what you feel is God’s design for him/her. You don’t want him/her to think you agree with an active homosexual lifestyle. You ultimately want him/her to know Jesus is the answer, so you want your language to reflect that, not that it’s okay for them to live the way they are living.
But what Susie/Bill hears is, “I reject you and God rejects you.” You can say it with whatever great intentions you have, but this is what they will hear every single time. I don’t fully grasp this, and I don’t expect you to either, but it’s as true as the sky is blue.
More often than not, the Church builds up insurmountable walls against transgender individuals rather than opening pathways for them to find Jesus. This isn’t done on purpose, but it is done endlessly.
It’s not enough for Christians to just say “oh just love them.” Yes, that’s important, but it gets me off the hook as an author and pastor too easily. That’s doable in a brief interaction with someone at a store, but things become much more complicated when you’re talking about how to operate within a local church community. It avoids the thick, murky mud (quicksand?) of trying to reconcile the Bible with loving someone just the way they are, but knowing the Holy Spirit refuses to leave any of us that way. The murky mud of grace and truth joined together.
What’s the ultimate goal in ministering to a transgender person? “Ultimate goal” is probably the wrong way to ask that. With anyone and everyone, they need to meet Jesus and fall in love with Jesus. This is first and foremost. Behavior does not come before meeting Jesus.
Whether homosexual or heterosexual, transgender or cisgender, married or single, finding our validation, worth, approval and acceptance in who Jesus says we are is not only the thirst quencher our souls long for, but is where we must be in order to submit to God’s design for sex. But we have to stop acting like it’s an even playing field, because it isn’t. This is going to be much easier for some than others. And we have to stop acting like we are the Holy Spirit, the one who literally changes a person’s soul to be able to submit to these things. And we have to stop kicking people out of church (or building the insurmountable wall) because they are not at a point in their faith to submit to these things. As if a person must be fully mature in all areas to be allowed a seat at church (as if we are!). To be allowed to be exposed to the truth of Scripture, the love of Jesus, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Rather than doing all we can to keep transgender people away from the One who gives life, what if we allowed them in and loved them, befriended them, hugged them, worshiped with them, have them over to our houses, and read the Bible with them just like we do heterosexual people who are looking at pornography, sleeping with their boyfriends or girlfriends, lusting over a shapely man or woman or those who’ve been divorced. Let alone treating them like we do those who are greedy, materialistic, prideful, arrogant, et al. Why don’t we do our jobs and let the Holy Spirit do his?
Yes, somewhere on the path of discipleship for a transgender person is the point where they’ll hopefully see Jesus as so worth their everything that they will painfully embrace God’s sovereignty in creating them as a biological man or woman. The point where they will choose a single, celibate life (assuming their attraction to the same sex is not changeable, which usually it isn’t, an attraction that is not a sin according to the Bible by the way–only the behavior is a sin according to the Bible–do not add to the Bible). But who knows when that point will come? If it will ever come? It isn’t our job to determine that. Our job is to keep the gates open so a transgender person can find the path in the first place! And our job is to ensure that they can stay on the path once they find it so the power of the love of God can do its work.
Calling them by the name they choose is just one way to do that.
“It’s God’s job to judge, the Spirit’s job to convict, and our job to love. And we dare not mix those up.” -Billy Graham
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This is such a sticky subject, and I thank you for caring enough to write about it. I have struggled with how to apply the Bible’s teachings in this area and still have a lot of questions….but I know with 100% certainty that I am called to love, and I believe that the #1 most important thing for my trans friends (and everyone else) is to fall in love with Jesus…and I trust that He can handle the rest.
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.””
John 6:37-40 NASB
thanks/praise/bless God/Lord,
“For God So Loved the world, He Gave His Only Son….”
“Closer to Christ”, Lord Willing, a Scriptural reflection and study related to trans* (and also some non-binary and other) stuff. thanks and thank/praise God/Lord, (God Is Good, all the time, all the time, God Is Good) HalleluJah! Amen!
Lord Love yall and all and The Lord Himself, Lord Willing, as ought i and all…
I think one problem faced is, Lord Willing, Lord Forgive, a false notion, that should not be present! That of “one such as yourself” couldn’t or shouldn’t ever find God, have God, know God, love God, be loved by God, etc. One that strives to put a caveat on Christian songs such as “All Are Welcome” and “Come As You Are”. Well, Lord Willing, Truth Is all can and should find, have, know and love God, be loved by Him, and love and serve Lord and neighbor.
“For GOD So Loved the world, He Gave His Only Son, that whosoever believes
in Him might not perish, but might have Eternal Life.” John 3:16
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will not cast out.
For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him Who
sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
John 6:37-40
Another, also Biblically addressed, is:
“ …My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; And their honorable men are famished, And their multitude is parched with thirst.”
Isaiah 5:13 NASB
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”
Hosea 4:6a NASB
Isn’t that “what’s up” in terms of folks who have issue with us or transition? Misunderstanding, ignorance, not knowing and perhaps in some instances, for at least a moment, not desiring or “caring to know”?
But are we or at least me ever guilty of this as well? with cis-(white-hetero-)? The churched? Etc.?
However, let me bring some news of oneness and unity for you though, trans and fellow travelers. Some wonderful news, trans-community! Great News! It’s a shame if you don’t yet know it, and/or if nobody’s told you yet…
…you, Lord Willing, may be closer to Christ than you think or you know!
Put out notions of pens to the bathroom bills or perceptions of ignorance, and consider what The LORD Says:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Matthew 5:10-12
Have you ever thought about this Passage or sentiment on the “flip side” of the usual? Many in our community have likely experienced, whether directly, through family, or via some of the media message supposedly portraying “Christians” and “Christianity” what I’ve come to call being “church-burned”. Not welcome in the pews “as you are”. Or told that who you are isn’t actually you. Or perhaps the subject of whispers, gossip, or some form of apparent willful or otherwise ignorance or discontent. Perhaps told that in some opinion “The Bible Says” you aren’t or can’t be you. Told your “condition” is incompatible with a Christian life. Whether “religious” in motivation or otherwise, some are beaten or furthermore killed essentially for being trans, as we see here tonight. Have you in the community been persecuted for His Name’s Sake? Blessed are you, Lord Willing, HalleluJah! Amen!
In the case of transman Alex Salinas he’s told by some Catholic officiation that him being “padrino” for his nephew is “impossible”. That’s what some people may say, but, Lord Willing, what HE Says:
“for nothing will be impossible for God.””
Luke 1:37 NABRE
Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.””
Matthew 19:26 NABRE
We are Blessed as a community in these times, as medical information and treatments as well as societal adaptions and adjustments such as documentation rectification becomes significantly more known in some instances, available in others, though there is still quite some way to go. We can be grateful to be medically and legally recognized as who and what we truly are. But we ought recall, in any event, that no doctor, politician, co-workers or HR reps, likely not even our earthly SOFFAs, nor even I decide your gender, nor you mine. Lord Willing, nor I mine. Nor you yours. It’s God-Ordained, and God-Created, just as i’d hope and pray, Lord Willing, many churchfolk would likely say.
Transfolk need not be seen as any defiance of Divine Creative Order. Being trans need not be casting out or against the Genesis Given of “male and female He Created them”, but a way we have come to pass in and manifest that order, despite the “fallen nature” of the world we live in, with disease and disorder as we see. For me, well, Lord Willing, in a pretty binary way. For some, perhaps an expansion on the understanding of that fundamental notion of “the sixth day”.
“And God Saw It Was Good”
Genesis 1:31
“How could that possibly be?”
“Trust in The LORD your GOD, on your own understanding rely not…”
Proverbs 3:5
That “possible notion” again?
“Jesus said to him, “‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who believes.””
Mark 9:23
I take a tip from John 9 I’ve been prone to use in Theological discussion on “transness”. The Passage begins with Jesus and His disciples on a journey, coming upon a man born blind. They ask who sinned, this man or his parents, that yielded to him being born this way? What if “trans” was plugged into that query, and Jesus’ Response similar to the one noted in The Gospel? He Knew and Knows about us, Lord Willing.
“Neither he nor his parents sinned but rather so The Work of God might be shown in him.” cf. John 9:3
And another tip, also from that Passage:
[Some Pharisees] answered him, “You were born entirely in sins, and are you teaching us?” So they put him out.
Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” He answered, “Who Is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?” Jesus said to him, “You have both seen Him, and He Is The One Who Is Talking with you.” And he said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped Him.
John 9:34-38
Jesus Is There Present sharing His Love and Testimony, that Of God, to a man who was questioned and cast out by the “religious authorities” of that region and time. Ever been called into question or even cast out by the religious authorities of the region and time in which you live? Tried to dialogue with them about His Work in your life in things seemingly as “unconventional” or “misunderstood” as transition, or of transition itself? Gotten the slew of questions and/or retorts? “You’re defying/rejecting God.”, “That’s a sin.”, “How could He Accept/Work that way?”, “What do you know?” “That’s not how it is.”, “You’re wrong.”, “He doesn’t work that way.” Do not be deceived, Lord Willing…
“For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My Ways,” Declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My Ways higher than your ways And My Thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9-10
When religious and government authorities literally had Jesus killed and attempted to have Him sealed away, perhaps because He didn’t “fit” with their notion of God, Law and Order, etc…
He Took Away Sin! He Rose Again! HalleluJah! Amen!
Lord Willing, He Loves you (as ought I/we He and all as well). He Heals you. He Saves you. He Is Right There to receive you. He Gave for you. He Advocates, for you, who you Truly are, who He Made you to be, to find and worship God/Lord, to love and serve Lord and neighbor.
Love and service of Lord and neighbor. Similar to what Joshua told the Israelites of old coming into the land, we too must choose this day Whom we will serve, and how we will serve. As for me, as Joshua stated, Lord Willing, I will serve The Lord. After all, He’s The One Who Gave and Gives His all for me, as all ought for each other and for He, and, after all:
“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1John 4:8
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…” 1John 4:18a
Thanks team and thank God, keep taking up that cross daily, follow Him! It does, Lord Willing, get better folks. It is getting better. Lord Willing, bless God and God Bless. HalleluJah! Amen!
thanks and love/thank/praise/bless/glorify God/Lord,
“For God So Loved the world, He Gave His Only Son…”