Do you ever feel worthless?
Do you ever seek people or things out to make you feel accepted, approved, or attractive?
If you are anything like me, you do this quite often, without even realizing why you are doing it. I did a talk at MSU’s InterVarsity chapter tonight and it reminded me of the great truth of what it means to be in a relationship with God. A relationship where God thinks I’m wonderful, he accepts me, he approves of me, he is attracted to me, he thinks I’m valuable, and he desires me. Don’t believe me? He says so himself in his Word:
You (God) created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14)
From the very beginning, when I was first conceived, God was knitting me together and he calls me wonderful. The God of the universe thinks I am wonderful! The list of adoration from my Heavenly Father doesn’t end here though.
He also calls me valuable (Matthew 6:26).
He thinks I am so attractive that he came to me and pursued me (John 3:16).
He desires me (Hosea 3:1-2).
He longs for me (Matthew 23:27).
I am accepted by him (Romans 8:1-4).
He approves of me (2 Corinthians 10:17-18).
Ultimately he says to me, “Don’t look for these things in false places. They are all already yours in my love!”
And he says the same thing to you. Realize that only God can offer what you are looking for to make you accepted and whole. You won’t find it in your spouse, so stop setting up impossible expectations for them. You won’t find it by sleeping around, as self-worship has a very short lifespan. You won’t find it in the glossy pages of a porn magazine. You won’t find it in getting rich, because you’ll always need that next dollar. You won’t find it in the success of your business or your church. What you and I are looking so intensely for is already offered to us in the love of Christ. A love that gets down on a knee and proposes marriage to us. A love that reaches deep into our leprosy, touches us, and heals us, making us whole. It’s a beautiful thing.
It’s one thing to know this truth.
It’s another thing to live in this truth, and walk in this truth. And let this drink be the drink to satisfy my thirst for all of these things. Rather than continue seeking these things out from empty cups and empty wells.
As I was reminded of this truth tonight and found great encouragement in who I am in Christ, I hope you are able to find this encouragement as well. He’s on his knee, offering you forgiveness of sins to enter into a marriage with him. Will you receive him? And will you believe what he now says about who you are?
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