Lay down on your back and close your eyes.
God, I give you everything that is on my mind. I give you everything I’m trying to solve. I give you all of my problems. I give you all of the world’s problems that are on my shoulders. I give you all the injustices. I give you the people who are against me. The problems I can’t solve. The people I’m waiting for. The stress and the strain. They are yours now. I take them off my shoulders and out of my mind and put them in your hands. I close your fingers around them. I now rest my mind in your presence. I rest in being with you. I rest in being your son/daughter. I rest in being a human being not a human doing.
God, I give you everything that is in my body. I rest my tired and worn out body in your presence. I stop moving. I stop working. I stop striving. I stop punishing my body. I stop wearing my body out. I rest in your presence with my body. I rest. I rest my body in your presence. I rest. I sleep. I enjoy. I rest this gift you’ve given me, this body, in your presence. I accept the gift of my body that you’ve given me. I accept the gift of rest that you long to give me.
God, I give you everything that’s on my heart. All of my emotions. All of my conflicts with other people. Everything I am angry about. Everything I am sad about. Everything I am grieving. Everything I’ve lost. Everything I am afraid of. Everything that brings me to despair. I give it all to you. It’s yours. I give you my joys. I receive your gifts of gratitude. I rest my heart in your presence. I give it all to you. I receive your love for me as your son/daughter. I receive your unquenchable, unconditional love. A love that I cannot increase or decrease with my behavior. Not a love that I earned, but a love given to me because of what Jesus did on my behalf. Thank you Jesus. I rest in this love. I give you all of my emotions. I put them in your hands and close your fingers around them.
God, I give you everything that’s on my soul. I give you my insecurities. I give you the ways I look to the approval of others to give me value. The ways I look to social media likes and fans and followers. I give you the ways I look to my job and my income and my “success” to give me value. I give you the ways I look to men and women and sex and relationships and romance to give me value. I give you the emptiness I feel when I’m alone. I give you the emptiness I feel when I’m not numbing out on entertainment or my next fix. I give it to you. I rest my soul in your presence. I rest in my identity as your perfect son/daughter. I rest in knowing my soul and value and identity is made by who you say I am, not who anyone on this earth says I am. I rest my soul on your solid rock. I rest in your fortress, your shelter, your refuge.
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- Ep. 111: Rev. Dr. Michael Carrion – Pastoral Thoughts on Mass Deportation and this Cultural Moment - February 17, 2025
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