Not everybody’s doing it. In fact, out of 504 Christian singles surveyed, 3 out of 4 aren’t doing it. In a culture that worships sex like it’s the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth and everlasting LSD all wrapped into one, it’s good for a Christian single person to know they aren’t going against the […]
Can You Believe in Evolution & Be a Christian?
I was so sad after talking with someone in our ministry who had recently put their faith in Jesus and gotten baptized. I asked this person how their Bible study was going and they told me it wasn’t…because they didn’t believe anymore. I asked them why they didn’t believe and they told me it was […]
Can you purchase some Bibles for our inner-city youth coming to Christ?
Can you help provide some NLT Bibles to our urban youth? God is using our awesome youth pastor, David Singleton, to lead inner-city youth in Lansing to faith in Jesus Christ in our church, the inner-city parks, as well as the juvenile detection facility where David preaches regularly. We have given away almost all of […]
Body Cameras Protect the Good Cops and Bring Justice to the Bad #BlackLivesMatter
Addendum to this article: I first wrote this article after viewing the video of Officer Ray Tensing shooting and killing Sam Dubose at point blank range. It’s title was “Dear White Police Officers, Please Stop Murdering Black Men.” My emotions flared at such on obvious case of black lives not mattering and how if it […]
Satanic Statue of Baphomet in Detroit is More Than Meets the Eye
So Satan is in Detroit now… Sort of. There was an unveiling of a one-ton, 9-foot-tall bronze statue of Baphomet in Detroit on July 25th. The Detroit Metro Times reported on the event and interviewed Jex Blackmore, a member of the Satanic Temple’s executive ministry and a Detroit resident. While still being bizarre and creepy, […]
If you don’t do anything with it, it’s not faith
1 Samuel 14:1-14 has been a very motivational passage for me for a long time. Hearing a sermon on this text 10 years ago was highly instrumental in pushing me to take the faith plunge to plant a church. There are several remarkable traits within this text: 1. Saul and Jonathan knew the same things […]