Even when I am walking through the darkest valley…through despair…through depression…through death itself…even in these times…you make me lie down in green pastures. You lead me beside quiet waters. The dark valley of death and the green pastures and quiet water exist simultaneously.
Ep. 43: Interview with Laurie Krieg on what a mixed-orientation marriage can teach us about love and the gospel
Noah interviews Laurie Krieg about her new book An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us About Love and the Gospel, that she co-wrote with her husband Matt.
Psalm 19 Devotional – The Signs That Are All Around Us
Psalm 19:1-6 describe what is called “general revelation.” This is how God has revealed himself to everyone. These verses tell us that the sky declares God’s glory and proclaims the work of his hands. That the sun, moon, and stars are literally talking. Literally saying, “God is awesome! God made this! God is God!” That when we look at the majesty of the stars or the brilliance of the sun, it is obvious that God is God. It is obvious that these things couldn’t never be matched by humans and could never have just appeared randomly. My Psalm 8 devotional talks about the disadvantage we have today versus people from ancient times in being able to see God in this way.
Ep. 42: Interview with Preston Sprinkle on transgender identities, the Church, and what the Bible has to say
Noah and Preston dive into Preston’s new book Embodied: Transgender identities, the Church, and what the Bible has to say They discuss loving and empathizing with people who are trans* and / or who struggle with gender dysphoria and making the Church a place they can find love and the path of discipleship.
Ep. 41: Interview with Wesley Hill on Covenant Friendships as a Biblical Path of Love for Celibate Gay Christians
After wrapping up the Flip Side Book Club’s reading of Spiritual Friendship, Noah interviews author Wes Hill on the book’s subject of providing a path of love for celibate gay Christians.
Psalm 10 Devotional – God of the Oppressed, Part 2
Only God knows why he sometimes answers these prayers in the moment and other times, like with the Hebrews’ enslavement in Egypt, or blacks’ enslavement in the United States, it takes centuries. But the psalmist rests in the truth that God is King for ever and ever and that these wicked nations will perish from the land. God is more powerful than the wicked nations who oppress and enslave and exploit. He was more powerful than Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Rome. And he’s certainly more powerful than the United States and the rest of today’s world powers.