Noah shares why he’s taking a break from long-form podcast episodes, and what you can do to help bring them back. The content of this episode is really about soul rest, honoring limits, and enjoying God as Noah gives you an authentic look into his last two years of discernment regarding burnout and overcommitment. He shares recent breakthroughs and conclusions from this discernment period, and how God is using it to shape his spiritual formation.
Ep. 101: Sean Nemecek on Burnout, People Pleasing, & Soul Care
Noah has a conversation with Sean Nemecek on the high rate of burnout by those in serving fields like nurses, doctors, counselors, teachers, and pastors. They hone in on pastors and the church, looking at what causes burnout, how we can better care for our pastors, and what spiritual practices are needed by all of us.
Ep. 92: Ken Wytsma on Chronic Pain, Compassion Fatigue, and a Theology of Suffering
Ken Wytsma discusses his journey from being a high-achieving leader to one slowed down by chronic illness and how this has made him relook at his identity. Throughout this conversation, Ken shares a lot of wisdom gained from doing pastoral and justice work for decades, including how to go at a sustainable pace.
Ep. 90: Juanita Rasmus on Learning to Live in the Unmerited Love of God
Noah and Pastor Juanita Rasmus have a conversation around how to live in the unmerited love of God when everything inside of us says we need to perform in order to be accepted. Juanita is the author of Learning to Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out and is a pastor who endured a 9-month crash following ministry burnout. Listen in to discover the freeing truths of Jesus’ love that she found at the bottom of the pit and learn the tools and rhythms you need to start experiencing this freedom here and now.
Ep. 87: Dr. Peter Sung on the Post-Church Church
Is your faith going through a crisis because of unhealth you see in the contemporary model of church? Or are you a ministry leader worn out from “putting on the show” week after week? Then this conversation between Dr. Peter Sung and Noah Filipiak is for you.
Ep. 11 (or 73) Interview with Kevin Butcher on shame, suicide, when God doesn’t heal us, suffering, ministry burnout, & the Father’s love
Listen below or subscribe on iTunes or Google Play In episode 11 (73), Noah interviews Kevin Butcher, Noah’s identical twin, give or take 30 years. Noah and Kevin are both 8’s on the Enneagram, ENFP’s, D’s on the DISC, church planters in the inner city, entrepreneurs, authors, and podcasters… look out! (And they both have 3 daughters…that’s just […]