3.37% of the Christian singles in your church are gay.* At least a recent research survey of 504 Christian singles indicates this (Click here for research demographics and controls). *3.37% checked the box indicating their sexual orientation as “LGBTQ (also check if you best relate with the term “same sex attraction”)” If same sex attraction […]
A Christian’s Guide to Gay Marriage
With gay marriage now legal throughout the United States, it’s important that Christians understand how to navigate these waters in biblically loving and biblically true ways. I think it’s important to start out by briefly explaining why the Bible is so important to Christians (or at least, is supposed to be). The Bible is where […]
How Gay Celibate Bible-Believing Christians are breaking the mold of the LGBT vs. Christian debate
In my recent post on both sides of the Arizona “Anti-Gay” Bill SB1062, I tried to lay out both sides of the bill: why it’s scary to have it and why what it was responding to (the Elaine Photography lawsuit in New Mexico) is equally scary. I want to show that the Christian/Bible vs. LGBT/Gay […]