There’s a lot of reasons Christians don’t go to church. Some seem legitimate on the surface, others don’t. The Church is not perfect by any means and you’ll never find a perfect local church, but is any one Christian perfect? Can an imperfect Christian exclude themselves from the local church based on its imperfection, when […]
The Best Ministry to Singles Has Nothing to do with Your Singles Ministry
There are tons of singles’ ministry resources out there for churches. Many large churches have a full-time pastor or director in charge of their singles ministry (sometimes called “College and Career” or another pseudonym). Effectively shepherding singles is a difficult tension. Singles often ask, “What do you have for me?” but the programmatic efforts to […]
Interview with Ruth Haley Barton on Performance-Oriented Drivenness, Ego, Pace, Soul & Spiritual Transformation
Ruth Haley Barton is the award winning author of 7 books and the founder of The Transforming Center. Her book Sacred Rhythms won the Logos Book Award for Best Book Award on Spirituality and her book Invitation to Solitude and Silence won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award for Spirituality. In this interview, […]
A Solution to the Kim Davis Debacle, and the Many More that Will Follow
Kim Davis is just the beginning folks. There will be more Kim Davis’s, more protests, more anger, more butting of heads and shouting over top of one another. Whatever side you’re on, I think all agree the Kim Davis situation is a debacle. A debacle for different reasons depending on your side, but a debacle […]
Research Statistics: 504 Christian Singles on Singleness in the Church
The purpose of this survey is to ask Christian singles directly what it’s like to be single and a Christian in the Church today as a way of testing if the Church’s efforts to minister to singles is effective or not. The survey stops the ministry leadership cycle of assuming we know what singles think […]
Podcast Interview on why Pastors Look at Porn & Have Affairs, with Covenant Eyes’ Luke Gilkerson
I interview Covenant Eyes‘ Luke Gilkerson on why pastors look at porn & have affairs. Applicable to men, women, pastors and churchgoers, this is a must listen for the Church. Luke is the Educational Resource Manager at Covenant Eyes, he also runs the Covenant Eyes blog where he is also a frequent author. Luke’s personal […]