Episode #8 of “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast is here! I interviewed Chris Pruett, the self-titled “Happiest Homeless Person in Lansing.” Chris attends my church and does a great job of shedding the light of love and humanity onto homelessness. Learn about homelessness from the eyes of a homeless person. Chris is intelligent, creative and […]
Body Cameras Protect the Good Cops and Bring Justice to the Bad #BlackLivesMatter
Addendum to this article: I first wrote this article after viewing the video of Officer Ray Tensing shooting and killing Sam Dubose at point blank range. It’s title was “Dear White Police Officers, Please Stop Murdering Black Men.” My emotions flared at such on obvious case of black lives not mattering and how if it […]
Is your singles ministry terrible? Can you help with this quick survey?
Church single folk: Is your church’s single ministry terrible? Church married folk and pastor folk: Do you have any idea if your single ministry is terrible or not? (you probably don’t) Can you fill out this survey if you are a single Christian (anyone who is unmarried)? It is completely anonymous. Can you also ask […]
What does the Bible say about same sex attraction?
What does the Bible say about same sex attraction? Same Sex Attraction / Orientation is Not a Sin Here’s a few things the Bible says about homosexuality. Keep in mind, it is very important that we don’t add to the Bible or subtract from the Bible. The Bible says that homosexual action is a sin. […]
3 Ways Christians View Homosexuality in the Bible
The recent Supreme Court gay marriage decision has caused a flurry of conversation amongst churches, pastors and Christian bloggers, myself included. What I’ve noticed is there are three primary ways Christians are seeing the Bible’s texts about homosexuality: 1. All of the Bible is true, including the texts that forbid homosexual sin. (which has a […]
How is your church talking about gay marriage & homosexuality?
The recent Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage sent shock waves through the blogosphere and social media universe. Did your church talk about it at all? And if so, what did they say? Depending on the survey, 1.2-6.8% of the population identify as LGBT. So if you have a church of 100 people, that’s […]