What does the Bible say about insecurity? Failure, Insecurity as a Striving Pastor & Finding My Soul in Jesus Much of my 10 years as a church planter have been riddled with anxiety, performance and self-striving. When I started out in 2005, I envisioned leading thousands of people to Jesus…for Jesus’ glory of course. The […]
Podcast Interview with Youth Pastor David Singleton on Race, Urban Ministry
Episode #5 of “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast is here! Youth pastor David Singleton and I talk about the different narratives of the white and black cultures and how this relates to the Church. We discuss the Baltimore riots, racial segregation in churches, the differences between suburban and urban youth ministry, and steps we can […]
Why Churches Should Not Publicly Observe Mother’s Day
At church growing up, they would always have all moms stand up and then ushers would walk around and give each mom a carnation. While I understand the heart behind this, there are several significant reasons this and other Mother’s Day observations / celebrations should not be done in church: 1. Many women have had […]
A Lament for Baltimore
Lord, we lament the violence that has broken out in Baltimore. We lament the anger that has been boiling in the black community for centuries. We lament the greed and hate of whites who enslaved blacks in the name of economic prosperity for whites. We lament how whites built the United States on white supremacy. […]
What does Jesus say about our segregated churches?
If the Old Testament prophets told you that churches in America shouldn’t be segregated along racial lines, would you listen? If Jesus told you churches in America shouldn’t be segregated along racial lines, would you listen? For most of my life, this stuff wasn’t even close to being on my radar and I realize for […]
What does the New Testament Church say about our segregated churches?
Ephesians 2:13-16 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its […]