(disclaimer for clarity: “Haters gonna hate” is a tongue in cheek way of talking about people who give you criticism. It’s a somewhat popular figure of speech made much more popular by the recent Taylor Swift song “Shake it Off,” where Swift also uses it in what I think is a tongue and cheek fashion. […]
Pray for your Pastor
This reminded me of the recent blog post I did on The Struggles of Being a Pastor. This is another great reminder to pray for your pastor. I’m not posting this for self-pity or to complain, but to raise awareness as most all of these are true of me and likely of your pastor as […]
What To Do With Your White Privilege Besides Feel Bad About It
This is not a blog post to try to help white people understand what white privilege is and/or to persuade them to acknowledge it and do something about it. I did a blog post a few months ago that did that. It was helpful for many and received flak from others. I used the analogy […]
Bizzle’s Powerful Message to White Christians on Ferguson, Compassion
To my white Christian friends, when you read/listen to this, do so with humility, an open heart, and most of all with compassion. The question is not “Do you agree with all of Bizzle‘s points?” The question is, “Do you have compassion on what Bizzle, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and so […]
Helpful Words from a Gay Christian on Homosexuality and the Bible
I always find it helpful and refreshing to hear from Christians who are gay who decided to surrender their sex lives to the design God lays out in the Bible. I say this is refreshing because the alternative message you hear in the “gay Christian debate” is to make Scripture say what you want it […]
My faith hero John M. Perkins on Racism, Reconciliation & the Church
I had the privilege of attending a luncheon today featuring 84-year-old John M. Perkins, a man who tops my list of faith heroes. His autobiography Let Justice Roll Down is a must read and will transform you. Dr. Perkins was a key leader in the Civil Rights Movement, was tortured and almost killed in prison […]