Noah interviews Ron Sandison, who is diagnosed with autism, about the importance of including people with autism and other disabilities fully into the life of the Church. Ron has tons of great insights into how to do this, making our lives and churches richer as a result.
Ep. 36: Interview with David Swanson on Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity
Noah interviews Pastor David Swanson on his book Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity.
David W. Swanson is the pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood. He helps lead New Community Outreach, a nonprofit that collaborates with the community to reduce sources of trauma, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.
Why there is unique outrage when an unarmed black man is shot and killed #AhmaudArbery
A personal friend recently asked an honest question on social media in response to the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery: I hate these meaningless killings…(but) why does it seem like when black men kill white men it’s not as big of a deal?
I’m thankful for my friend who asked this question. It’s so important to be humble and seek constructive conversation, with a heart to learn, when approaching such polarizing subjects as racism, which I appreciate about my friend. I felt like it was a good question whose answer would help bring clarity to people out there who might not understand why stories like Ahmaud’s go viral. So I hope this blog article is helpful in giving some context. I hope it’s done in a non-judgmental way and in a way that people of all skin colors and cultures will find approachable and helpful. I hope it can bring some transformation to individuals and to our country.
Homogeneous Churches are Mutated (& Crippled) Bodies of Christ
I preached on the Church as the body of Christ last Sunday, using 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 as my text. It’s a familiar text and familiar metaphor to many Christians and it typically leads to one of a few quick interpretations. One being how Christians play different roles in the local church, some being good at […]
How America’s Racist Past Breeds Racial Profiling Today
I recently wrote about the racial discrimination housing laws of the 1940’s-1970’s (and I did a post on “How To Talk About Racism”). My point in showing those bits of somewhat hidden history is to help set the table for why some things are the way they are today when it comes to race. It’s […]
Racial Diversity = Church Unity
One thing I noticed about visiting different churches over the summer is how racially segregated the American Church is. Most of us say, “So what? Blacks and whites like different styles of church, and that’s about all there is to it.” I used to think this way too as I grew up in my all-white […]