I’ve been seeing Romans 13 used a lot on social media these past few weeks. I’d like to pause and look at a biblical understanding of the passage, and how to apply it during our current cultural moment, using responsible hermeneutics.
Why We Can’t Merge Jesus With Our Political Party
When we attach Jesus to our political party, it always lessens the impact of the gospel. Whether you mean to or not, you’re attaching all the baggage of your political party on to Jesus in the eyes of a watching world. As soon as you say “Jesus + Republican” or “Jesus + Democrat”, that’s exactly what non-Christians see and it’s what they understand the gospel to be.
Galatians On Adding Politics to the Gospel
Christians In Name Only??? I had to explore further and read the original tweet where Eric Metaxas retweets a callout of Jemar Tisby by name.
Ep. 33: How to Talk About Politics and Polarizing Issues (Part 2)
Noah continues the conversation started in Episode 32’s interview with Preston Sprinkle on how to talk about politics and polarizing issues in this divided cultural climate we find ourselves in.
Podcast Ep. 10 (or 72) (Looking at all the facets of…) David Platt Prays for Donald Trump on the stage of a worship service
Episode 10 discusses the June 2nd scenario of Pastor David Platt praying for President Donald Trump from the stage of a McLean Bible Church worship service. You probably already have lots of predetermined feelings about this, so rather that write something that will make you listen (if you agree), or dismiss this (if you disagree), go ahead and listen and see if there’s a different way to approach topics like this than you are used to.
Serious Concerns About the Funny Babylon Bee
I’d be honored if the Babylon Bee made fun of me someday. That’d be a more meaningful “you’ve arrived” moment that the elusive blue check mark on Twitter. The concern I have with the Bee is they are recklessly making fun of and running over marginalized people in a way that dishonors Christ.