I think one of our greatest shortcomings as Christians today is left-brained knowledge of God without right-brained experience of God’s loving presence. That when my heart is longing for the faux and fleeting feeling that “just one more thing” can give me–one more purchase…one more flirtation…one more TV episode…one more experience–that instead of gratifying this empty desire, I can instead stop and gaze upon God’s beauty. I can instead sit in God’s presence. I can gaze upon his face smiling down on me (Numbers 6:24-26). I can seek his face. That his loving and majestic face is the answer to my heart’s longing.
Ep. 27: Finding Solid Ground in the Midst of a COVID-19 World
Noah pauses to reflect on the unprecedented time of history we are experiencing with COVID-19. As followers of Jesus, can we reflect on where our security really lies? Can we reflect on how busy and hectic we normally live our lives and what we can do with this forced pause?
North Miami Police Shoot a Black Therapist Helping His Patient; What to Pay Attention to from Here #CharlesKinsey
Whether the rest of America wants to admit it or not, black people have to fear for their lives every day living in this country. They’ve been trying to tell us this for years now. I do hope we start listening soon. Please watch this 4-minute video of Charles Kinsey, a black therapist helping a […]
The Reason We Take Things Into Our Own Hands…
I recently posted on reading the book, Finding God in the Dark and that I’d be following up on several helpful quotes from the book… Page 30 of Finding God in the Dark states, “The reason we take things into our own hands is we don’t believe God’s hands are really at work.” This truth […]
What has God put on your heart? Go do it.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 1 Samuel 14:6 Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more […]