I recently blogged on how churches should be talking about the recent SCOTUS gay marriage ruling. Here’s a recording of what I said to my church this past Sunday:
How is your church talking about gay marriage & homosexuality?
The recent Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage sent shock waves through the blogosphere and social media universe. Did your church talk about it at all? And if so, what did they say? Depending on the survey, 1.2-6.8% of the population identify as LGBT. So if you have a church of 100 people, that’s […]
Homosexuality: Both Sides of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Act
As I hear discussion about Indiana’s recent “Religious Freedom Act” bill, my mind pictures a restaurant owned by Christian business owners with signs reading “No Gays Allowed,” or something horrific and ugly like that. I’ve been pretty clear in previous blog posts that just because a Christian believes, according to the Bible, that homosexual actions are […]
The Real Reason Marriage & the American Family have Dissolved
When you talk about the cultural war on marriage, Christians and the media typically think you must be talking about gay marriage. The sobering truth is the Christians already lost the “war” to a cultural definition of marriage well before gay marriage hit the spotlight. In fact, a strong argument could be made that if […]
A Solution to the Bible vs Gay Community gay marriage debate
I am a pastor. For better or for worse, our culture has decided that pastors officiate weddings. Not librarians, not mailmen, not mayors, not IRS-agents. This is cool with me inasmuch as the Bible does talk about marriage as something God created with a certain purpose behind it. So when people want to follow the […]
How Gay Celibate Bible-Believing Christians are breaking the mold of the LGBT vs. Christian debate
In my recent post on both sides of the Arizona “Anti-Gay” Bill SB1062, I tried to lay out both sides of the bill: why it’s scary to have it and why what it was responding to (the Elaine Photography lawsuit in New Mexico) is equally scary. I want to show that the Christian/Bible vs. LGBT/Gay […]