This past Sunday, my sermon was about the old covenant the Israelites made with God in Exodus 19-24. I asked for people to text in questions they had throughout the sermon and I attempted to answer them at the end of the teaching. Due to time restraints, we only got through two questions, so I […]
5 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
5 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed: 1. Don’t be enslaved to pleasing people. Don’t give people authority to judge you that they don’t have. Don’t live your life as if what everyone thinks about you trumps what God thinks about you. Colossians 1:22 tells us that in Jesus, we are holy, without blemish, and free […]
11/1 Creationism Origin Summit @MSU: Christians wrong in so many ways
Some Christian friends of mine are PhD students in one of Michigan State University’s science departments. They recently told me about the stir the November 1st Origin Summit is causing among their colleagues and about their tension in how to respond. The Origin Summit is a one day conference being held at MSU arguing for […]
Church at a Nightclub Buying You a Beer – The Bible & Alcohol
Crossroads Church is starting a Tuesday night outreach church service at The Loft on November 11th. This ministry will be called The Upper Room. The Loft a 2nd floor nightclub/concert venue in Lansing that Crossroads will be renting out and will be “the show” for every Tuesday night. It is the premier concert venue in […]
Helpful Words from a Gay Christian on Homosexuality and the Bible
I always find it helpful and refreshing to hear from Christians who are gay who decided to surrender their sex lives to the design God lays out in the Bible. I say this is refreshing because the alternative message you hear in the “gay Christian debate” is to make Scripture say what you want it […]
Shades of Pornography: Is “50 Shades of Grey” Pornography or not?
I’ve noticed the beginnings of the social media buzz for the 50 Shades of Grey movie, coming out in 2015. While IMDb’s parental guide of the movie isn’t out yet since the movie isn’t completed, it does reveal this: This is based off an erotic novel and is currently rumored to have two versions, an […]