There is a trend in our culture where if you are attracted to the same sex, attracted to both sexes, or identify as a different gender than your birth gender, the cultural tide tells you to go with how you feel, be yourself, and live into these feelings and attractions. It can feel like there […]
As Culture’s Cloud of Sex Darkens, Christians Must Shine Brightly
Our culture’s cloud of sexual living continues to get darker, denser and more and more expansive. Everything is becoming normal and everyone is starting younger. Sexual immorality is no respecter of persons. This has little to do with homosexuality vs. heterosexuality or any of the many cultural wars going on in this arena today. It’s […]
Homosexuality Sermon and Q&A with Gay Christian Jim Decke
My friend Jim Decke and I recently did a sermon at Crossroads about homosexuality. Jim shared his testimony of discovering he was gay at a very young age and the ups and downs of trying to get rid of this orientation. Jim eventually gave up and just did as his sexual desires pleased, until eventually […]
If you want to push transgender people away from Jesus, call them by their birth name
Simply saying that being transgender or transitioning genders is wrong is a 2 cent answer to a million (billion) dollar question. Like many issues, a person who has no personal experience with the struggle should not go around making cavalier, black and white statements about those who do. This doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t apply, […]
Grace Filled Sexuality
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase grace filled sexuality? I know I have Jesus’s grace, so if I live sexually in a way that is different than God’s design/commands, I’m okay and I’ll be forgiven. The Christian whose sexual desires differ from God’s design for sex often find themselves in quite a […]
How Evangelical Christians Should Respond to the Orlando Nightclub Massacre
49 people were gunned down and killed in an Orlando gay bar early Sunday morning, with another 53 wounded. You can read more about the gut-wrenching story here (CNN). The Orlando Sentinel is compiling a page where you can read a short tribute about each of the victims. There are lots of heavy elements to […]