I’ve been seeing Romans 13 used a lot on social media these past few weeks. I’d like to pause and look at a biblical understanding of the passage, and how to apply it during our current cultural moment, using responsible hermeneutics.
Ep. 106: Matthew Soerens on Understanding Immigration from a Biblical Perspective
Noah has an in-depth conversation with Matthew Soerens of World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table on immigration, particularly as it relates to what the Bible says and the rhetoric being used by politicians in this election cycle.
Psalm 9 Devotional – The God of the Oppressed
Oppression and injustice happen when a person or a group of people is deprived, usually by law or by force, of basic and equal rights that are allotted to others. Often oppression and injustice use categories of people to afflict their damages. For example, our country was founded and built on laws that allowed for the brutal killing and enslavement of blacks and Native Americans, with many laws explicitly benefiting white people by name. This is oppression and injustice. Refugees are oppressed by something going on in their home country that they are fleeing from in order to save their lives. This is often religious or ethnic persecution and is often related to wars or guerrilla warfare dangers. The oppressed are the ones under the boot of those with power. We get less comfortable talking about oppression and injustice when we start looking at the vast inequities in the United States between whites and people of color. It’s a lot easier to talk about oppression of biblical times and the distant past, but much more uneasy when it’s right under our nose and we may or may not even be aware of it or acknowledge it.
Ep. 31: Interview with Patrick Filipiak on why he thinks you should get rid of Facebook
In Episode 31, Noah interviews his oldest brother Patrick on why he (Patrick) thinks you should get rid of Facebook. Whether you agree or disagree with Patrick, you’re bound to look at your social media behavior differently after this interview.
We also jump into the mailbag for a BIG question about if God is in control of everything that happens or not.
Noah’s rant is back and epic as always.
Episode 5: Worship Style & Racism! Spray painted N-Words! Ferguson! Abortion! Jeff Sessions! Romans 13! Immigration! Limited Atonement???
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Apology: Trying to figure out how to be zealous without being prideful
This past Sunday night in our small group, we came upon the following verse from 2 Timothy 2:25: Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth It hit me pretty clearly that I have not been doing this in the past […]