I have an ex-Muslim friend who must remain anonymous because of death threats he has received (he lives in my hometown of Lansing). My friend was born in Iran and was a Muslim for 23 years. He left Islam and became a follower of Jesus after seeing two things: 1. The Qur’an is full of […]
What Does the U-shaped ن Arabic letter mean on Facebook and Twitter?
You might be seeing the Arabic letter ن popping up on friends’ Facebook and Twitter profile pics and have been wondering what it means. ن is the Arabic letter for “N” and was spray painted on all Christian property to be seized by ISIS militants in Mosul, Iraq. The “N” stands for the Arabic word […]
Racism Check: Not All Muslims Are Christian Crucifying Killers
I saw an article on Facebook yesterday of 8 nude bodies hanging from 8 crosses with the title “ISIS Crucifies 8 Christians in Syria for Apostasy from Islam.” Pretty emotional stuff. The article, which links here, has over 27,000 Facebook likes. Here is the text of the article in its entirety: Various sources have received […]
What To Do When Mormons Knock At Your Door?
I reposted yesterday a previous write-up I did on what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and got good response so I decided to repost the sequel post today, written around a year ago, on what Mormons believe. I think this is important stuff to know as we see Mormons do more ad campaigns and get more in […]