I was disappointed with the Lansing State Journal’s story about my friend Mark Bozzo’s death. If the job was to report the news, the news was not reported. Mark was so much more than a good person who had a big heart. He was definitely those things, but so much more. Mark was also a […]
What Christian Culture Has Gotten Wrong About Sexual Purity
My latest article is up on the Covenant Eyes blog, check it out: What Christian Culture Has Gotten Wrong About Sexual Purity.
Final Q&A: Why has the church stepped back from being on the forefront of race relations?
I was on a panel last week at an event entitled Uprooting Racism from the Church, sponsored by the Michigan State University student group MSU Project 1:17. In addition to the live panel, they took anonymous questions from the audience for the speakers to answer online. I’ve realized recently that I haven’t posted about racism […]
If life is so bad for people of color in the United States, then why do those who complain continue to live in the US? Why do they not move to another country?
I was on a panel this week at an event entitled Uprooting Racism from the Church, sponsored by the Michigan State University student group MSU Project 1:17. In addition to the live panel, they took anonymous questions from the audience for the speakers to answer online. I’ve realized recently that I haven’t posted about racism […]
What Jesus’s Atoning Sacrifice Means to Me
I read Hebrews 2:14-18 yesterday. Read it slowly, out loud, a few times: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were […]
Episode 38 – Kent Carlson discusses shifting the church he founded from a seeker-driven megachurch to a church of spiritual formation
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with Kent Carlson on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Noah Filipiak interviews […]