Married people want to be single. Single people want to be married. Teenagers can’t wait until they’re in college. College students can’t wait until they’re adults. Adults reminisce about how they wish they were in college or high school again, as those were the good ol’ days. Working adults can’t wait until they retire. Retired […]
Part 2 Q&A on how we are to understand the laws of the Old Testament
This is part 2 of the old covenant Q&A asked via text messages following my March 1st sermon: (You can read Part 1 here) Q: Why did the Council at Jerusalem (in Acts 15) choose a few commands from the law that Gentile believers had to follow? Do those laws still apply to us & […]
Part 1 Q&A on how we are to understand the laws of the Old Testament
This past Sunday, my sermon was about the old covenant the Israelites made with God in Exodus 19-24. I asked for people to text in questions they had throughout the sermon and I attempted to answer them at the end of the teaching. Due to time restraints, we only got through two questions, so I […]
Jesus’s Guide to Forgiving Your Spouse
(This is an excerpt from the book I’m working on called “Beyond the Battle,” a book for men about sexual purity and our identity in Christ. This excerpt can easily be applied to both men and women. Also, it is not referencing any individual offense within my marriage, but is referring to my tendency as […]
Moderate Muslims Are Closer to Jesus than to Muhammad
I have an ex-Muslim friend who must remain anonymous because of death threats he has received (he lives in my hometown of Lansing). My friend was born in Iran and was a Muslim for 23 years. He left Islam and became a follower of Jesus after seeing two things: 1. The Qur’an is full of […]
5 Ways to Tell if Your Sports Fandom Needs to be Checked
So to start out, this is a hilarious video. If this describes you, or a loved one, it’s likely you should continue reading… This post has a tongue-in-cheek element to it, but as a recovering sports nut myself, it’s also meant to be taken seriously. Too often we can rationalize sinful or idolatrous behavior “because […]