I hear a lot of people say they won’t believe in Jesus unless they see him physically. As if they want him to appear in a hologram-like state and speak to them in a deep booming voice. I saw Jesus this past Sunday. He was obvious. I saw him when I heard these 5 stories: […]
Looking for acceptance, approval, to be desired & attractive?
Do you ever feel worthless? Do you ever seek people or things out to make you feel accepted, approved, or attractive? If you are anything like me, you do this quite often, without even realizing why you are doing it. I did a talk at MSU’s InterVarsity chapter tonight and it reminded me of the […]
Reflections from day 1 of the Justice Conference: Martin Luther King
When we think of social justice, we often don’t think of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And when we think of Martin Luther King, we often don’t think about how sold out for Jesus this man was. In my first session of the day at the Justice Conference, Paul Louis Metzger played a 5 minute […]
Despite its oddities, why the Old Testament is still God’s Word to us
After reading a post entitled Why the Old Testament promises and laws don’t apply to us, hopefully your first response is, “Well, what is the point of the Old Testament then? Is it even God’s Word? Why is it even in the Bible?” The New Testament gives succinct and clear answers to these questions in […]
Why Doesn’t God Make Himself More Obvious?
I just preached on John 6. This is the account where Jesus feeds around 20,000 people with only 5 loaves and 2 fish. What happens next is the people chase Jesus down. Imagine a throng of 20,000 people following you to your next destination! The people aren’t interested in putting their faith in Jesus though, […]
How To Find Meaning and Purpose
I was talking with a friend recently who is unemployed and also single. He was really struggling with his sense of meaning and purpose. I talked with him and prayed with him. In light of the sermon I did yesterday morning about the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed, and the man who […]