A friend recently asked me about what to do when Jehovah’s Witness knock at your door. I was reminded of a visit I received a year ago or so and a blog post I wrote about it (back when I wrote loooong blog posts!). If they were in my friend’s neighborhood this week, maybe they […]
The Real Christmas Story & You
Weekend Cheese: Cheetos Jesus, a.k.a. “Cheesus”
After a week of digesting heavy posts about heaven and hell, how to survive Christmas, and questioning if Jonah and the whale is fact or fiction, some of you need a good dose of the lighter side of religious cheese. Brace yourself. Prepare to be amazed. This is religious cheese in its most raw, most literal […]
7 Steps to Not Waste Money, Actually Love, and Enjoy this Christmas
The New York Daily News reports that 45% of people surveyed would like to skip Christmas because of the stress it brings…Here are 7 things these people need to know: 1. Realize that the TV commercials are lying to you. Their job is to brainwash you into thinking you need something you don’t. That if […]
Two and a Half Men star calls show “Filth” – strikes out on video
If you haven’t already heard, Angus T. Jones, the “half” in the hit show Two and a Half Men has converted to being a Seventh Day Adventist and called the show he stars in “filth”. Here is a brief video clip, via Good Morning America, to get you up to speed: I watched Angus T. […]
Is the Bible like Candy?
In churches, we hand out Bibles like candy. If you are interested in seeking God or you are a brand new Christian, you will be handed a Bible, told to read it, and you will begin to grow in your faith as a result. So a person, with zero knowledge of what the Bible actually […]