What does the Bible say about hell? Hell, God’s Sovereignty, Suffering & My Depravity The doctrine of hell is one that was overemphasized in my faith upbringing. It’s one I subsequently tried to disprove and deny using the Bible. In this attempt, I ended up coming to terms with the truth of the biblical doctrine […]
Porn is not your Problem. Entitlement is.
I recently had an article published on Covenant Eyes’ blog: “Porn is not your Problem. Entitlement is.” Please check it out and re-share if it’s helpful for you. Please re-share the Covenant Eyes link, not this atacrossroads.net link. It’s a helpful article for those seeking freedom from porn, but also for marriage in general.
Fantasy: The Parasite to Your Reality
Married people want to be single. Single people want to be married. Teenagers can’t wait until they’re in college. College students can’t wait until they’re adults. Adults reminisce about how they wish they were in college or high school again, as those were the good ol’ days. Working adults can’t wait until they retire. Retired […]
Jesus’s Guide to Forgiving Your Spouse
(This is an excerpt from the book I’m working on called “Beyond the Battle,” a book for men about sexual purity and our identity in Christ. This excerpt can easily be applied to both men and women. Also, it is not referencing any individual offense within my marriage, but is referring to my tendency as […]
Great Bible Verses to Help Your Marriage
Romans 15:5-7 “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” […]
How Do I Work On My Marriage When My Spouse Doesn’t Care?
One of the toughest things in a marriage is when one spouse wants to work on the relationship but the other doesn’t think there is a problem, or worse, doesn’t care. (Also recommended from Noah Filipiak: How to Love Your Spouse When They Don’t Love You Back) The spouse who wants to work on the […]