Noah interviews Ron Sandison, who is diagnosed with autism, about the importance of including people with autism and other disabilities fully into the life of the Church. Ron has tons of great insights into how to do this, making our lives and churches richer as a result.
E72: Noah & Chase discuss if the sign gifts (healing, tongues, prophecy, miracles) are still active
Listen below or subscribe on iTunes or Google Play Guest co-host Chase Stancle joins Noah to discuss “the sign gifts” of healing, tongues, prophecy, and miracles. The debate about these gifts has torn apart the church and left unbiblical teaching on both extremes. We wade through the confusion and abuses of an important but mysterious topic. You can […]
Porn Addiction: Getting rid of the desire vs. removing all access points
One of my goals in writing Beyond the Battle: A man’s guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world is to help men lose their desire for porn. To be able to go from, “I really want porn, though I know it’s bad, so will train myself not to look at it… though […]
Is Masturbation a Sin?
“Is masturbation a sin?”
I intentionally did not address this question when I wrote my book for men on sexual purity. My reason was not from fear of talking about controversial or sensitive subjects, it was because I didn’t want those who disagree to tune me and the rest of my message out. I thought it would be an unnecessary distraction. Because whenever you talk about masturbation, no matter your stance, people will disagree.
Ep. 36: Interview with David Swanson on Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity
Noah interviews Pastor David Swanson on his book Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity.
David W. Swanson is the pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood. He helps lead New Community Outreach, a nonprofit that collaborates with the community to reduce sources of trauma, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.
Noah’s New Book from Zondervan, coming in July 2021
BIG NEWS: I signed a contract with Zondervan to publish a new, updated book for men on how our identity in Christ brings us freedom from the pressure of the oversexualized world that we all live in.
The book will be available in July 2021. Book pre-sale will begin in November 2020.
Thank you to so many of you who have supported my writing efforts over the years, I am deeply grateful. If you’d like to receive an email on key points in the publishing process that you can support and/or help spread the news, please sign up below and be sure to click the checkbox at the bottom.