Psalm 15 helps us in understanding the things God cares about. As new covenant Christians (I explain here how this relates to the old covenant under which the Psalms were written), we know it’s by the grace of Jesus that we may dwell in God’s sacred tent or live on his holy mountain (Romans 3:23-24). With that in mind, we can now look Psalm 15 as a clear list of things God cares about. I don’t think we spend enough time in modern Christianity looking at the things that are on God’s heart. In any love relationship, you want to know what is on the other person’s heart, and out of love, you want to be about those things as well. This is particularly true with God, who is not only our spouse, but is also our Father and Lord and King. So let’s take a look at this short list in Psalm 15 of some of the things God cares about:
Jesus’ Words Get to Determine what He Meant by “Love,” You Don’t
At the end of the day, I’m just tired of people saying, “Jesus says ABC about love,” when there are direct quotes from Jesus that say exactly the opposite.
A humble, biblical look at health & wealth theology (the prosperity gospel)
I’ve ripped on health & wealth theology (also called the prosperity gospel) for a long time. What I’d like to do here is slow down and examine the intent behind health & wealth theology, what parts are true biblically, and what parts come from reading the Bible incorrectly. When the New Testament gives verse after […]
What does the Bible say about the Sabbath?
What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why did God institute the Sabbath on the 7th day of his creation? Was he tired? Did he need a nap after all that creating? Of course not. So why in Genesis 2:2-3 does God rest from all of his work, blessing the day and making it […]
What does the Bible say about tithing and money?
What does the Bible say about tithing and money? Does Tithing Apply to New Testament Christians? It was a good week to skip church a couple weeks ago: the tithing sermon! Just kidding, of course, but it can certainly feel that way can’t it? Tithing (giving 10% of your income to the local church) […]
If you don’t do anything with it, it’s not faith
1 Samuel 14:1-14 has been a very motivational passage for me for a long time. Hearing a sermon on this text 10 years ago was highly instrumental in pushing me to take the faith plunge to plant a church. There are several remarkable traits within this text: 1. Saul and Jonathan knew the same things […]