(This is Part 2 from yesterday’s post: Is a far-fetched story like Noah’s Ark enough to dismiss Jesus?) One is to reject the Bible all together. I can’t believe in talking snakes and a first man who was created from the dust, so I reject everything in the Bible and hope for the best. If […]
Why God Was Justified to Bring Harsh Judgment in the Old Testament
I recently wrote about some of the harsh Bible verses we find in the Old Testament, where God commands his people to kill entire people groups, including their women and infants. These are the verses picked out by leading atheist Richard Dawkins and others who are anti-Christian to smear God’s name, and in general serve […]
Why the Weird Old Testament Laws Ever Existed
We’ve been discussing the weird laws found in the Old Testament and how these laws / promises no longer apply to us as Christians. We then discussed why the Old Testament is still very much God’s Word to us though. The next logical question to ask is why these weird laws ever existed in the […]
Why the Old Testament promises and laws don’t apply to us
(This post is Part 2 in a series on “Understanding Weird Parts of the Bible”, read Part 1 “Old vs. New Covenant” here) The foundational understanding we need when approaching any part of the Bible is to figure out “What part of this text is the divinely inspired, authoritative message that can be applied in […]
Understanding Weird Parts of Bible: Old vs. New Covenant
I recently preached on Abraham and am realizing how when we approach Genesis (and the entire Old Testament), it is essential that we understand the concept of the old covenant vs. the new covenant. If we don’t, the weird texts of the Old Testament make no sense. It’s surprising to me as I look back on […]
Why Don’t Protestants Believe in Purgatory, Penance & the Apocrypha?
(Source: Historical Theology by Dr. Gregg R. Allison, Chapter 2 “The Canon of Scripture”) 435 B.C. – the final books (i.e. Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther) of the Hebrew Bible (our Old Testament) were written 250 B.C. – this Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek (called the Septuagint) as Greek was becoming the dominant language The problem […]