Noah Filipiak interviews Pastor Doug Logan about planting an urban church in Camden, NJ; Camden was rated the most violent city in America in 2015. Pastor Doug is an expert on missiology, urban ministry and what it looks like for the whole Church to live out the whole Great Commission. He is the pastor of […]
Interview with Pastor & Author Zack Eswine on Pastoring and how “Large, Famous & Fast” were not Values of Jesus’s
Noah Filipiak interviews 2016 Christianity Today Book of the Year (in the Category of The Church/Pastoral Leadership) award winner Dr. Zack Eswine. In addition to the award-winning The Imperfect Pastor: Discovering Joy in Our Limitations through a Daily Apprenticeship with Jesus, Zack is also the author of Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer […]
Interview with Tyler St. Clair on Planting a Church in Detroit, Fundraising as a Black Man & much more
Noah Filipiak interviews Pastor Tyler St. Clair about his upcoming church plant on the NW side of Detroit, the neighborhood Tyler and his wife both grew up in. Tyler’s target location is one of the “bad parts” of Detroit, with all of the symptoms of urban poverty ever-present. After being guided to plant in other […]
What I’ve learned from 10 years of church planting
In January 2006, I officially left my position as a youth pastor and set off full-time as a church planter in Lansing, MI. I was 22 when I went to the assessment center in August 2005 and was ready to save the world a few months later at 23. I was naive, arrogant, insecure and […]
Christian Pastor Freed from Iranian Prison
I did an interview last year with an Iranian Christian friend of mine who lives in Lansing. My friend converted from Islam when living in Iran and thus had to become a refugee to escape those trying to kill him, namely his father. You can read the interview here: After Death Threats from Muslims in […]
Interview with “Failed” Church Planter Jeremy Dowsett
The church Jeremy Dowsett started 10 years ago closed its doors in 2015. In this interview, Jeremy takes us behind the curtain of how he’s handled this emotionally and spiritually. Every church planter who has gone through this experience is going to be unique and Jeremy is no exception. The interview walks through the flaws […]