What does the Bible say about anger? Ditch Your Goals for Adventures, Ditch Your Anger for Peace I’ve struggled with anger for most of my life. There are generally two types of anger. One is projected toward a specific person or persons like the spray of a machine gun, the other is brooding and internal […]
How God Uses Failure to Protect Us, Mold Us & Mature Us
Look back on your life at the times you learned the deepest lessons. Look back on your life at the times you were most desperate for God. Look back on your life at the times you accused God of abandoning or neglecting you. There’s a good chance that the memories that come to mind here […]
Getting off the hamster wheel of accomplishment
The gospel frees us from this pressure to perform, this slavish demand to “become.” The gospel liberatingly declares that in Christ “we already are.” If you’re a Christian, here’s the good news: who you really are has nothing to do with you—how much you can accomplish, who you can become, your behavior (good or bad), […]