Listen below or subscribe on iTunes or Google Play Noah just moved to Grand Rapids and is living with his gracious in-laws until his house in Lansing sells. As a result, there’s not yet a quiet place to record so this is a bonus episode of a sermon Noah preached on January 20th, 2019. It is on 1 […]
Podcast Ep. 9 (or 71), The Poverty Gospel vs. The Prosperity Gospel
Episode 9 compares the “Poverty Gospel” to the “Prosperity Gospel,” two opposites that both end up reflecting legalism. The conversation leads into tackling some very tough words of Jesus, and the ageless debate between faith and works.
Podcast Ep 8 (or 70) Catch-Up Episode!
Episode 8 gets caught up on the mailbag and all Flip Side happenings and shenanigans. Mailbag covers Game of Thrones and unsettling parts of the Bible. Some previews of upcoming episodes, a ranking of which episodes have the most listens, and of course Noah’s Rant, which takes on fitted sheets. Lots of fun (and some good content) had by all.
Convo on the Undone Redone Podcast about my sexual brokenness and finding wholeness in Christ
I had a great time on the Undone Redone Podcast with Tray and Mel Lovvorn. Check out Undone Redone for tons of great grace-centered resources to bring wholeness to your marriage and/or sexual brokenness.
Ep. 5 (or 67) The Lord’s Prayer, books, and being on hold
Episode 5 (or 67) takes a look at The Lord’s Prayer, what each line really means, and how to really use the prayer in an impactful, experiential way to hear from God.
Ep. 4, Shame: What Does God Think of Me?
The Flip Side Episode 4 / 66 addresses the topic of shame as it relates to the question of, “What does God think of me when He looks at me?”