Episode 2 / 64 covers why Lent is awesome, using Lent to help the most vulnerable this year (and if you’d like to get involved). The mailbag brings a question about masturbation, and Noah’s Rant targets the Folgers Cafe at the local Marathon gas station.
#1 (or #63) – The Flip Side Pilot – Health & Wealth Theology / Prosperity Gospel
The bulk of the episode is spent on the topic of Health & Wealth Theology / The Prosperity Gospel.
Episode 12: The Best Thing
We crack open the mailbag in episode 12 to answer questions about fearing God and if God is always disappointed in us.
We spend time in Matthew 3:16-17 for guidance on how to spend daily rhythm time with Jesus.
And the topic of the episode centers around knowing what The Best Thing is.
Episode 4: Unconditional Election, God’s Skin Color, Steve Kerr, and White Megachurches
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Episode 3: Objectification – The Dehumanization of Women
Listen below at podcasts.com or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play.
Ep. 39: Tyler St. Clair (the sequel) on real life church planting in Detroit + the Contend Conference
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with Tyler St. Clair on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Two years […]