I attend a fair number of #BlackLivesMatter and local justice events in Lansing. This morning I was at Action of Greater Lansing‘s Martin Luther King prayer breakfast held at Union Missionary Baptist Church. Lansing Police Chief Mike Yankowski was in attendance at the breakfast this morning. He didn’t have to be there, he was there […]
Slowing Down Spring Valley: #BlackLivesMatter, Even Insubordinate Ones
My wife is a K-12 music teacher at a pubic school. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones or iPads out in class for personal use, every student knows that. If my wife tells a student to put their device away and they refuse, what is she to do? I think we’d all […]
Systemic Solutions to America’s Systemic Racism Problem
Having a black friend or making cookies for a black person (a.k.a. “love”) is not going to end systemic racism and systemic injustice. Systemic problems require system solutions. I asked my friend Joseph Harris (his “Boiling Points” poem is featured here) for some wisdom from an African American perspective on systemic solutions to racism. Below […]
Come to Tuesday Town Hall Meeting in Support of Racial Justice
The Lansing Clergy Forum is issuing a call to action in Lansing about lethal force, racial injustice and the justice system. The Forum has called for a Town Hall Meeting Tuesday December 9th at 6:00pm at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Lansing, MI 48915). I will be attending and […]