There is no greater accountability than knowing your spouse is watching you. It is unlikely that you would look at pornography or flirt with your co-worker if your spouse was standing there next to you. This is what I love about Spector Pro’s screenshot system. I know my wife has access to minute-by-minute screenshots of […]
My Story and Testimony with Pornography
With all of the posts I’ve been doing on pornography, I thought it’d be important for me to share my story with pornography so readers can relate to where I’m coming from. I share this so you know you’re not alone, to know Jesus forgives all who ask, and to know you can be free. […]
Porn’s Ripple Effects: 3 Collateral Damages of Pornography Use
Most porn users and addicts will attest to the damaging effects porn has on the user, but often the collateral damage of porn, the damage it causes to others surrounding it, often go unnoticed. For those making efforts to break the addiction of porn, using every tool in the toolbox is going to help toward […]
Virginity is Curable
I’ve been blogging recently about pornography and how it distorts how we are designed to view the opposite sex as well as the act of sex itself. This comes from my own story and experiences. I discovered Micah Bournes poetic art at the Justice Conference a few weeks ago and purchased his album, The Man […]
If You Don’t Think Your Kids Are Looking at Porn, You’re Wrong
I just read this short article which shows that kids are looking at porn at young ages. What struck me about this story is that this is still such a newsflash to so many parents. Parents give their kids smartphones, tablets, and laptops in their locked rooms and somehow don’t think that their kids […]
Beep Beep Bleep – backing up on my use of the W-word
I wrote a blog a few days ago about getting the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition mailed to me unexpectedly, and the issues this caused me. In this post, I used the word “whore” to describe a mindset I use to defend myself against the women on the pages. Many read the post and the word […]