There is a trend in our culture where if you are attracted to the same sex, attracted to both sexes, or identify as a different gender than your birth gender, the cultural tide tells you to go with how you feel, be yourself, and live into these feelings and attractions. It can feel like there […]
34% of singles have had sex before a first date…and how we’ve all contributed to this
An article in the USA Today section of the Lansing State Journal caught my eye recently, “Sex before first date OK, but a cracked phone? Think again.” The article breaks down some of the 2017 Singles in America survey, an annual survey funded by the dating service Match. The most jaw-dropping takeaway from the survey […]
Love? Nothing Says Valentine’s Day Like Fifty Shades Darker & the SI Swimsuit Edition
It’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is coming. The season of love. You can tell a lot about a culture by the way it celebrates holidays and in this case, you can tell a lot about what a culture thinks love is. If you asked a person on the street what love is, you would […]
As Culture’s Cloud of Sex Darkens, Christians Must Shine Brightly
Our culture’s cloud of sexual living continues to get darker, denser and more and more expansive. Everything is becoming normal and everyone is starting younger. Sexual immorality is no respecter of persons. This has little to do with homosexuality vs. heterosexuality or any of the many cultural wars going on in this arena today. It’s […]
Why Disney Relationships Are Just Like Porn
My latest article on Covenant Eyes is up: Why Disney Relationships Are Just Like Porn.
The WHY and HOW to God’s Design for Sexual Purity
Christians are to save sex until marriage and are to keep it there. (Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20) And fantasizing about sex outside of marriage is the same heart condition as engaging in it. (Matthew 5:27-28) These sound like some pretty strict “thou shalt not’s!” It’s very important that we understand why God gave us […]