My next article is up on Covenant Eyes’ blog, check it out: Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married” (Please share the Covenant Eyes link, not the one, thanks!)
Interview with Covenant Eyes’ Chris McKenna on staying pure with new technology, Instagram and how he conquered a porn addiction
Chris McKenna is the new Educational Resource Manager for Covenant Eyes and also runs the website Protect Young Eyes ( Protect Young Eyes is loaded with free tools for parents, as Chris specializes in speaking weekly around the Midwest to parents and students on using the Internet better as the latest apps and devices hit the market. Noah and […]
Reflections on celebrating 12 years of marriage and Father’s Day on the same day
Celebrating 12 years of marriage today with Jennifer ‘Good’ Filipiak, as well as Father’s Day on the same day. A lot to reflect on and be grateful for. A lot of times on Facebook anniversary posts, we tend to make things sound like every second of our married lives is total bliss. This is seldom […]
Senator Todd Weiler – Episode 21 – on Utah’s Resolution SCR9 making pornography a public health crisis
The State of Utah recently declared pornography to be a public health crisis via a resolution drafted by 23rd district Senator Todd Weiler. Noah Filipiak interviews Senator Weiler about the perils of pornography, the flak Senator Weiler has received (including from Seth Myers and Whoopi Goldberg), what can be done to find freedom from pornography […]
Terry Crews Speaks Out Against Pornography
Actor Terry Crews (of Brooklyn Nine Nine & those hilarious Old Spice commercials fame) opened up on his Facebook page with some videos on how he’s overcome an addiction to pornography, how porn messes a person up and how a person can overcome pornography. It is so refreshing to hear a Hollywood star have courage […]
I Agree with Utah Legislation that Porn is a “Public Health Crisis”
I support Utah state Senator Todd Weiler’s proposed bill that declares pornography a “public health crisis.” In an article by Lisa Eldred, Covenant Eyes President Ron DeHaas says, “Designating pornography as a public health crisis accurately describes what porn is doing to our society and culture. A recent, ground-breaking survey, The Porn Phenomenon, showed most […]