I’ve noticed the beginnings of the social media buzz for the 50 Shades of Grey movie, coming out in 2015. While IMDb’s parental guide of the movie isn’t out yet since the movie isn’t completed, it does reveal this: This is based off an erotic novel and is currently rumored to have two versions, an […]
Free E-Book from Covenant Eyes: Your Brain on Porn
Check out this free E-Book from Covenant Eyes: Your Brain on Porn. It scientifically hits on what porn does to us biologically, as well as gives biblical ways to find freedom from it. There is some very interesting research shown. For example, research of university students showed 51% of men and 16% of women spend […]
God’s Recipe for Sex
God designed sex to be a one-flesh relationship; He tells us this in Genesis 2:24 and 1 Corinthians 6:15-16. But what does one-flesh mean, and how does this differ from the type of sex the world offers us? I preached on this subject this past Sunday. God’s one-flesh recipe for sex is that all of […]
Don’t fight sexual sin alone. Share your struggle.
One of Satan’s biggest lies when it comes to sexual temptation is that we’re the only one who struggles with it. If we were to share our struggles with trusted Christian friends their mouths would surely drop, gasping in disbelief and disgust at our dirty sin. So we keep our struggle bottled up in shame, […]
Reasons to stop looking at pornography…and how to do it
Wondering how to stop looking at online porn? Click here for the best online filters and monitoring software I’ve found (with my reviews) for PC, Mac, Android, iPad & iPhone, including deals and discounts. I’ve shared in depth my personal battle with pornography. I know the effects it has on a person, as well as on […]
Marriage Entitlement’s Kryptonite: Appreciation
I recently blogged on how entitlement is the biggest enemy in our marriages. What follows is what I call the Kryptonite to our entitlement–that is, the one thing entitlement can’t be in coexistence with: appreciation. In my ten years of marriage, I’ve had nine years of living entitled, and one year (the most recent) of […]