I had a great time on the Undone Redone Podcast with Tray and Mel Lovvorn. Check out Undone Redone for tons of great grace-centered resources to bring wholeness to your marriage and/or sexual brokenness.
Why There is No Sex in Heaven
Here are two contrasting cultural beliefs for you to consider: Sex is the best thing on the planet…Heaven is full of the best things we can imagine…So if both of these things are true, why does the Bible tell us there won’t be any sex in heaven?
Marriage is Not the Answer to Your Desire for Sex
It’s a line often heard in well-intentioned lessons on sexual purity:God created sex. It’s His. Pornography and premarital sex are just distortions of what God made that is good: sex within marriage. Those sexual desires you feel are good, you just need to channel them into marriage. (Or as often said, “toward your wife.”) All of the above is true and I have taught most of it myself in bits and pieces. But there are some major shortfalls to this type of teaching and mindset.
#2 (or #64) Lent, Masturbation, and Folgers
Episode 2 / 64 covers why Lent is awesome, using Lent to help the most vulnerable this year (and if you’d like to get involved). The mailbag brings a question about masturbation, and Noah’s Rant targets the Folgers Cafe at the local Marathon gas station.
Ellen Page vs. Chris Pratt/Hillsong on LGBT stance raises question, “Can you love someone you disagree with?”
Ellen Page was in the news recently criticizing Chris Pratt’s attendance at a Hillsong affiliated church and their LGBT stance.
Episode 10: Interview with Damon Seacott on choosing a life of singleness and celibacy
Listen below at podcasts.com or listen/subscribe on iTunes or Google Play. Episode 10 brings a special guest interview with Damon Seacott, who has chosen to live a life of singleness and celibacy. This is a great episode for singles to have someone to relate to, and great for married folks to learn how to be […]