There is a trend in our culture where if you are attracted to the same sex, attracted to both sexes, or identify as a different gender than your birth gender, the cultural tide tells you to go with how you feel, be yourself, and live into these feelings and attractions. It can feel like there […]
Ask Amy: A world in desperate thirst for love is addicted to the total opposite
The Ask Amy column is originally written for The Denver Post and syndicated to other newspapers, including mine. The December 16th column caught my attention: Ask Amy: Teen in relationship with older man worries about sex in college The columns are written by Amy Dickinson and great priority is given to allowing people to do […]
Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married”
My next article is up on Covenant Eyes’ blog, check it out: Myth Busters: “I’ll stop looking at porn when I get married” (Please share the Covenant Eyes link, not the one, thanks!)
Interview with Covenant Eyes’ Chris McKenna on staying pure with new technology, Instagram and how he conquered a porn addiction
Chris McKenna is the new Educational Resource Manager for Covenant Eyes and also runs the website Protect Young Eyes ( Protect Young Eyes is loaded with free tools for parents, as Chris specializes in speaking weekly around the Midwest to parents and students on using the Internet better as the latest apps and devices hit the market. Noah and […]
Grace Filled Sexuality
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase grace filled sexuality? I know I have Jesus’s grace, so if I live sexually in a way that is different than God’s design/commands, I’m okay and I’ll be forgiven. The Christian whose sexual desires differ from God’s design for sex often find themselves in quite a […]
#GiveElsaAGirlfriend Campaign for Frozen 2 Shows Our Empty Definition of Love
Trending on Facebook this week is the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend hashtag, a campaign lobbying to give Disney’s Frozen star a female love interest in the upcoming sequel. Idina Menzel, the actress who plays Elsa’s voice, made headlines when asked in an Entertainment Weekly interview about the campaign, “I think it’s great,” she told ET on Sunday of […]