Noah has an in-depth conversation with his former seminary professor Dr. David Turner about macro trends in Christian colleges and seminaries, and deep concerns about Noah’s alma mater and Dr. Turner’s employer of 32 years, Cornerstone University & Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
Psalm 29 Devotional – God’s power leads us to humility, worship, and gratitude
There was a sense of humility and worship around all of it. A sense of awe of God’s raw power. His power to bring up life from the dirt, create the balance of life that I participate in, and the fear and awe of being exposed to the elements in all of their beauty, grandeur, and terror.
When Your Marriage is Running on Empty…
(Ladies, I originally wrote this for men and left the language that way in the blog post. Please swap out “wife” for “husband”, “her” for “him” etc. as these principles should apply to you as well) Your love for your wife cannot be rooted in her love for you. You cannot wait to do nice […]
Jesus is not a crutch
I will sometimes hear people say that Jesus is just a crutch for needy people. They don’t need Jesus because they are strong and have their head on straight. Faith is just what some people need to get through life, something hopeful to believe in to make life worth living. It’s helpful for the poor […]