Psalm 19:1-6 describe what is called “general revelation.” This is how God has revealed himself to everyone. These verses tell us that the sky declares God’s glory and proclaims the work of his hands. That the sun, moon, and stars are literally talking. Literally saying, “God is awesome! God made this! God is God!” That when we look at the majesty of the stars or the brilliance of the sun, it is obvious that God is God. It is obvious that these things couldn’t never be matched by humans and could never have just appeared randomly. My Psalm 8 devotional talks about the disadvantage we have today versus people from ancient times in being able to see God in this way.
3-Minute Teaching Video on God’s Beauty – Psalm 19 – Manistee National Forest
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God Didn’t Go Anywhere, We Just Paved Over Him
The typical knock on religion in secular, academic circles is that it was something primitive cultures came up with to explain the natural phenomena around them. They didn’t have science, so they conjured up an idea of “god” (typically “gods”) to explain the unexplainable. With our modern day technological and scientific discoveries, we can now […]