I think one of our greatest shortcomings as Christians today is left-brained knowledge of God without right-brained experience of God’s loving presence. That when my heart is longing for the faux and fleeting feeling that “just one more thing” can give me–one more purchase…one more flirtation…one more TV episode…one more experience–that instead of gratifying this empty desire, I can instead stop and gaze upon God’s beauty. I can instead sit in God’s presence. I can gaze upon his face smiling down on me (Numbers 6:24-26). I can seek his face. That his loving and majestic face is the answer to my heart’s longing.
Psalm 24 Devotional – Resting in the King of Glory
He is the Lord Almighty and we can rest in him. So often we try to do God’s job. We put the weight of the world on our shoulders, thinking it’s our job to solve all of life’s problems. We forget that our job is to worship and glorify the King, it’s his job to do everything else. The psalms have been clear that all of our problems in this life are not going to go away, but they are also clear that God defeats Satan. God defeats evil. God is the ultimate victor and we are on his team. We can rest and trust in him through all of the ups and downs of this life. Through the times we are drowning. Through the storm and the war.