Yesterday I posted Bible verses that show Victoria and Joel Osteen to be false teachers, along with a video that’s been circulating Facebook of a recent church service of theirs: I honestly wish the Bill Cosby blurb wasn’t added at the end, as my intention is not to mock the Osteen’s or to bash on […]
Shades of Pornography: Is “50 Shades of Grey” Pornography or not?
I’ve noticed the beginnings of the social media buzz for the 50 Shades of Grey movie, coming out in 2015. While IMDb’s parental guide of the movie isn’t out yet since the movie isn’t completed, it does reveal this: This is based off an erotic novel and is currently rumored to have two versions, an […]
The Real Reason Marriage & the American Family have Dissolved
When you talk about the cultural war on marriage, Christians and the media typically think you must be talking about gay marriage. The sobering truth is the Christians already lost the “war” to a cultural definition of marriage well before gay marriage hit the spotlight. In fact, a strong argument could be made that if […]
God Does Not Look Good in a Bikini
God does not look good in a bikini. God does not have the perfect body. God is not sexy. God is not cool. God is not a movie star. God is not an athlete. God is not a model. God is not a celebrity. God doesn’t write paychecks. God is not a retirement plan. God […]
Bringing 1 Corinthians 11 Head Coverings Back for 2014
I recently preached on a confusing passage of Scripture that most of us skip over in our devotional time: 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 on women wearing head coverings and men not having long hair. It was not a sermon I thought I’d be writing a follow-up blog to, nor was it a passage I would have […]
A Solution to the Bible vs Gay Community gay marriage debate
I am a pastor. For better or for worse, our culture has decided that pastors officiate weddings. Not librarians, not mailmen, not mayors, not IRS-agents. This is cool with me inasmuch as the Bible does talk about marriage as something God created with a certain purpose behind it. So when people want to follow the […]