I’m an advocate for not becoming overwhelmed by the amount of social justice needs in the world, and feeling like we can solve them all. I am also an advocate for being aware (and not apathetic) of what is going on in the world and supporting and praying for those on the front lines as […]
How to Find Your Calling…
Christians often ask themselves and their pastors what steps they need to take to find their calling. They feel a bit lost in life, maybe stuck in a job they don’t like, trying to figure out their major in college, or just have a general feeling of restlessness. So I’m here to give you the […]
Social Justice Burning You Out? Stop Trying to Change the World.
In my review of Ken Wytsma‘s book Pursuing Justice, I talk about how after a zealous start of caring about social justice issues, I went through a period of burnout. Burnout that was due to the overwhelming number of different types of horrible things in the world, the overwhelming reach each of these issues had, […]
Weeping for Orphans. Where is the Church? Where are you? Where am I?
I spent today at the West Michigan CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) conference. After spending last weekend in Philadelphia at the Justice Conference, God has really been messing with me…in a good way. After the best day of talks (5 in a row) I’ve ever sat through, holding back tears several times, I got talking […]
Meeting John M. Perkins @ Justice Conference, guest blogger Tony Walker
Guest blog post from Tony Walker on Day 2 of The Justice Conference. Tony accepted Jesus as his Lord in Savior in October, you can watch his baptism and testimony here: Guest blog from Tony: Today was exceptional!!! From 9am to 9pm, conviction surrounded me and took over me as the day grew older. My […]
Reflections from day 1 of the Justice Conference: Martin Luther King
When we think of social justice, we often don’t think of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And when we think of Martin Luther King, we often don’t think about how sold out for Jesus this man was. In my first session of the day at the Justice Conference, Paul Louis Metzger played a 5 minute […]